10 Reasons why you should visit Macedonia

1.People This will be definitely the first reason why you should visit Macedonia. If you have already been in this part of the world, you probably know that people here are just amazing. They are kind and welcome almost everywhere in the Balkans. But Macedonians are really special, they will make you feel comfortable anywere […]

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Skopje Walking Tours
Free Skopje walking tour

Read below the philosophy and the point of this unique Skopje walking tours Thanks to modern technology and the fast development of everything around us, today people can travel more fast than in the past. They can reach information very quickly, and easily find out new things. Unfortunately, the problem of the mass tourism is getting bigger […]

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Вилниус, Литванија – Балтичка авантура прв дел

Како да стигнете? Од Скопје нема директен лет, најдобрата комбинација е секогаш со Wizzair до некој европски град од каде што има конекција за Вилниус. Истражете ги секогаш сите комбинации (знам дека е мачно) ако сакате да поминете поевтино. Пробајте и летови со Ryanair. Нашата авантура се одвиваше вака: Скопје – Осло – Вилниус и […]

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Hoi An and the magic lanterns
Hoi An

A brief history of Hoi An The city in the 17th and 18th centuries was one of the most important ports in Southeast Asia, and that’s why various merchants from different countries (Chinese, Japanese, Dutch) passed by and some of them decided to build their houses here. That is why this city is known for […]

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48 hours in Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh

Ho Chi Minh or as many people still call it with the old name of Saigon, with its 8 million inhabitants is the largest city in Vietnam. 8 million people plus two or three motorbikes per person and you will realize that there is a really big number of motorbikes and people. And indeed the […]

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Cambodia and Angkor Wat
angkor wat

Cambodia is the second country that we visited in Southeast Asia. It offers a lot of interesting places to visit, but still the most famous is Angkor Wat. You will have a really unique experience walking between the temples that are everywhere around, even through the huge roots of the trees. As you move from […]

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Камбоџа и Ангкор Ват

Камбоџа е уште една интересна земја во Југоисточна Азија која што нуди доста интересни места за посета, но сепак она најпознатото останува Ангкор Ват. Навистина се доживува некое посебно и уникатно искуство кога чекорите меѓу храмовите кои ги има насекаде, па дури и низ огромните корења на дрвјата. А додека се движите од еден храм […]

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